
Enhance resilience against sand and dust storms

Phase 1: we have prepared the most accurate map of dust hotspot sources (DHS) by visual interpretation Terra/Aqua sub-daily MODIS images. We have identified 10,422 DHS in Tigris and Euphrates Basin (2000–2021),

Phase 2: In the same procedure, we have identified 8,075 DHS in eastern Iran (2000–2022),

Phase 3: Considering that DHS points are not suitable for dust mitigation planning and implementation of disaster risk reduction programs, an innovative method was used in this phase to convert DHS points into territorially manageable homogeneous land units,

Phase 4 (under development): in collaboration with GeoAI we are identifying all DHS in Iran, Middle East and Central Asia (Fig. 2) to complete the Geodatabase of DHS in the period from 2000–2024.

Phase 5 (under development): in collaboration with GeoAI we are developing an online DHS Geodatabase and make the visual interpretation as a (semi) automatic procedure.


Project Manager: Ali Darvishi Boloorani